Why is this site here ?
A good question and with thousands of sites out on the Internet that have been going for many years to showcase various collections, it seems a bit pointless to have another one doing the same thing. Having said that, this site is has been around in some form or another for more than 17 years and started as a way to track and share the old computers stuff that I came across in charity shops or simply things people no longer wanted and chose to pass on to me.
What will you find here ?
The site has had many faces over the years as my vintage interests have shifted and become more focused. It's covered a wide range of old computer and console items which has at times included some obscure systems. Today the site highlights old computer hardware, software, books and manuals that are related to IBM PC and Compatible computers from their introduction in late '81 to around '96 when Windows 95 entered the market.
Does the site only cater for IBM PC and Compatibles ?
No, over the years of collecting many various alternate systems and gaming consoles have made their way into the collection and over time they may make an appearance again as time permits. The focus of this site is however on IBM PC and Compatible machines.
How can I contact you if I have something you might be interested in ?
Please use the contact page as that's the best way to get in touch.
How long have you been at this ?
I have been collecting various vintage / old computer related items since around 2005 when many of them were simply old, unwanted computers and had not reached the stage of being called vintage. The site is called 'oldcomputers' for this very reason.
What do you do with all this stuff ?
For me a large part of the enjoyment of this hobby is the collecting and curating of the various items, meeting new people and discussing their experiences and memories. On occasion some of the computers in my collection have been used in television adverts, miniseries and film productions but generally they are here for my personal enjoyment.