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Software and games that I am on the look out for ...

July 30th, 2024


Below is a list of the games and software that I am on the look out for. In some cases I am missing the box and in others the entire game or program. Unless otherwise specified these are all for the IBM and compatibles platform.

  1. 9 (Nine) : The Last Resort
  2. Accolade - Grand Prix Circuit
  3. Alley Cat
  4. Altered Destiny
  5. Amazon: Guardians of Eden
  6. Arknoid
  7. Arknoid II - Revenge of Doh
  8. Back to the Future
  9. Back to the Future II
  10. Battle Chess II Chinese Chess
  11. Blake Stone
  12. Blood and Magic
  13. Brix
  14. Caesar
  15. California Games
  16. Centipede
  17. Centurion Defender of Rome
  18. Contra
  19. Curse of Enchantria
  20. Day of the Tentacle
  21. Death Track
  22. Defender
  23. Defender of the Crown
  24. Diablo - Hellfire expansion
  25. Digger
  26. Discworld (CD-ROM)
  27. Doom 1
  28. Doom 2 (box)
  29. Dune (Box)
  30. Dune II
  31. Eco Quest 1 (box)
  32. Eco Quest 2
  33. El Fish
  34. Elvira
  35. Eye of the beholder III
  36. F16 - Combat Pilot
  37. Firepower (box)
  38. Flashback - Quest for Identity
  39. Gato
  40. Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Father (CD version in original box)
  41. Golden Axe
  42. Grand Theft Auto
  43. Gremlins (atarisoft)
  44. Gunboat
  45. Harrier Jumpjet
  46. Heretic
  47. Heros of the Lance
  48. Hillsfar
  49. IBM Othello
  50. IBM Logo (Yellow folder)
  51. Inca (Sierra)
  52. Interstate '76 Nitro pack (box)
  53. Into the eagles nest
  54. Jagged Alliance II
  55. Jones in the fast lane (box)
  56. Jungle Hunt (atarisoft)
  57. Karateka
  58. Kings Quest 1 (original and re-release)
  59. Kings Quest II (gold box and original release)
  60. Kill, Krush 'n Destroy
  61. Knights of the Sky
  62. LHX
  63. Loderunner
  64. Loderunner (Sierra)
  65. Loom
  66. Mach 3
  67. Manic Mansions
  68. Mantis
  69. Martian Memorandum
  70. MDK 2
  71. Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator III
  72. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Professional Edition
  73. Microsoft Flight Simulator 95 expansion pack
  74. Microsoft DOS 4.01
  75. Mission Critical
  76. Mixed up mother goose
  77. Montezuma Revenge
  78. Moon Patrol
  79. Moto Racer
  80. Noctropolis
  81. No One Lives Forever
  82. Norton Utilities 8.0
  83. One Hundred and One Monochrome Mazes
  84. Outpost 2
  85. Outrun
  86. Paratrooper
  87. Peppers Adventures
  88. Pirates
  89. Prince of Persia
  90. Prince of Persia 2
  91. RAC rally
  92. Railroad Tycoon
  93. Raptor
  94. Rocketeer
  95. Rockford
  96. Samurai (Microprose)
  97. Secret of the Silver Blades
  98. Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (Original box)
  99. Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe - P38
  100. Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe - P80
  101. Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe - He162
  102. Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe - Do335
  103. Sim City
  104. Shannara
  105. Shivers 2 (box)
  106. Simon the sorcerer
  107. Simon the Sorcerer 2 (box)
  108. Skate or Die
  109. Sky Shark
  110. Sopwith
  111. Space Racers
  112. Space Rouge
  113. Spear of Destiny
  114. Stargate (atarisoft)
  115. Star Trek - Judgement Rites
  116. Star Trek (ascii) Kobayashi Alternative
  117. Star Wars: Dark Forces II
  118. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
  119. Star Wars: TIE Fighter - Defender of the Empire
  120. Star Wars: Supremacy
  121. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
  122. Star Wars: X-Wing - B-Wing
  123. Street Rod
  124. Street Rod 2
  125. Syndicate
  126. Syndicate : American Revolt
  127. Test Drive 2 - The Duel
  128. Tetris
  129. TFX
  130. The Incredible Machine
  131. The Hunt for Red October
  132. The Secret of Monkey Island
  133. The Secret of Monkey Island II
  134. Tomahawk
  135. Tristran Pinball
  136. Tyrian 2000
  137. Waynes World
  138. Where in the U.S.A is Carmen Sandiego
  139. Where in time is Carmen Sandiego
  140. Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego
  141. Who framed roger rabbit
  142. Windows 286
  143. Windows ME retail
  144. Windows 98 Plus Package (box)
  145. Winter Games
  146. Wolfenstein 3D
  147. World Class Leaderboard Pro Gold Simulator
  148. XCOM - UFO - Terror from the deep
  149. Xenon
  150. Xenon 2
  151. Zaxxon